Sunday, 27 January 2013

Hello there blog fans. Did I just say that. I realize now as of yet I have no fans :( but maybe soon enough I will. Okay so I'll tell you a little about myself and why I am starting this blog.
My name is Nicola. Hence the Nixi bit. people call me Nic and it kinda rhymed with Pixie. Don't no where the Pixie came from. any who. I'm currently at Uni in Huddersfield studying Hospitality management. I enjoy it so much.
But I am addicted to shopping. I know, so is every other young girl in western civilization. But I thought i'd finally make some use of it. I've been saying i'd do this for ages and now I am. Quite simply I'm gonna review the products I buy. I might even do some videos. I'll tell you more about myself in the future as we get to know each other. but all i can say is i hope you enjoy my blog and toodles. x